Sealing Specialties handles a complete offering of high-quality American-made braided packing from Palmetto and John Crane. Our experience and expertise allow us to assist our customers with all packing applications. We work with the most advanced packing fibers and materials available while offering advice and insight to increase reliability and lower your total cost of ownership. A few of the fibers include PTFE (Teflon®), Graphite, Carbon, Aramid (Kevlar®), Flax, and GFO®.
Sealing Specialties offers expanded polytetrafluoroethylene, or ePTFE packing from GFO®. GFO® ePTFE braided graphite packing is a high-performance synthetic material that is known for its excellent heat dissipation and salability properties. It is resistant to a wide range of pH values, making it suitable for use in many different applications. It is particularly well-suited for use as a general service packing material and is effective in handling light slurry.